Ice Cream, You Scream, We Sort of Eat Ice Cream!

Okay, I know some people are going to look at this post and think one of two things (or maybe both of these things). First, why is this lady taking so many pictures of one of her kids eating ice cream. Second, where is the other kid?! Does he not get ice cream.

Let’s begin with Emmy. The fact that she is eating ice cream is a super big deal. This is a girl who doesn’t like anything. I am not sure how she is even alive on how little she eats. If it’s not cheese, milk, macaroni and cheese, or cereal then she is probably not going to eat it. Even things that most kids like, cake for example, is a no go. She will eat cookies I guess but only if they are a certain kind…I digress though. The fact that she is adding anything to the list of things she will eat is excellent, especially something that she previously wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole. It used to be that if I even thought about giving her a bite of my ice cream she would have screamed bloody murder, and not just in a loud way. Think of the sound that dog whistle makes, and yes I know that a human ear has never heard a dog whistle, but if you could imagine what kind of sound it would makes if you could hear it then just magnify the decibel level by a million and you would have a general idea of what Emma sounds like when she is not happy.

The reason that Jake isn’t in any of the pictures is two fold – one he never sits still for pictures anymore. I get the camera out and point it at him and he starts doing this convulsing, running, funny face making…thing. Very difficult. And two…well, he devoured his cone in the 2.5 seconds it took us to get home.

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It’s so fun to watch Jake draw with chalk. He is getting into a stage where he is so creative and has the capability to express what is in his imagination. Emma on the other hand is still in the stage where it’s more fun to draw a few lines on the ground, throw it down, and then lick something. At least she’s cute!

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A Visit To The Pumpkin Patch

For the past 3 or so years we have been going to a “pumpkin patch” in the town. It’s the standard bouncy house, face painting, pony rides; lots of crowds, lots of kids, lots of money. This year, thanks to the magic of social media, I found a new pumpkin patch! A farm, off the highway, down about 100 billion miles of rocky “road”. The drive was awesome, such beautiful scenery. The thing I liked most about it though was how calm it was! Dogs running around, a small animal barn full of adorable little animals, a child size corn maze, and tons and tons of pumpkins! I think we have found our new pumpkin patch!

They were discussing which pumpkin would be the best choice!

The choice has been made!

Okay, here’s the thing about Jake. It seems like I don’t take as many pictures of him as I do of Emmy. I do! Or at least I try. He is in a stage where 1) he won’t stand still (he is always running around, fighting imaginary bad guys) and 2) if I do get him to sit still he can’t just smile. Or even stare at me. He always has to make a silly face.

This is what I am talking about. I asked him to stand by his sister. Well after, about 20 pictures with him basically impersonating a monkey, I say “just stand still guys” and so Em pouts, and then he walks away. Okay, whatever!:)

When I ask Em to make “noodle face” this is the face she gives me because this is her waiting for noodles face (she loves noodles).

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Quiet Book – Apple Tree

Ah, the apple tree! I think that every quiet book that is, ever was, and ever will be, contains one and this quiet book is no exception!

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