Monthly Archives: April 2013

Macro Monday – Moss In The Morning

I have a thing with moss. (Me and Mrs. Moss…we got a thiiiiing…going on *clears throat* I mean…) Anyway, I don’t know what it is but I love it. I always have. Lucky for me we have a few small patches in our backyard and in the spring they sprout up with these little shoots...

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Wordless Wednesday – Waiting On The Garbage Man

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Macro Monday – Installment One :p

I have a macro now and I really want to push myself to use it so I am implementing Macro Mondays! Calm down now, calm down! I know everyone is super excited about this but no need to get rowdy Anyway, I give you my first installment. I call it – Snail On A Leaf...

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Personal Photography Project – Kids Were Here

I’m a fan of a handful of photographers who, I feel, do amazing job at lifestyle photography (my favorite kind)! Imagine my delight when they joined together to create a project called, “Kids Were Here“. I was immediately inspired to follow suit and do my own monthly “kids were here” project in my tiny corner...

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