Category Archives: Wearable Art

Reindeer Hat

Pin It Do you ever see something on the internet or in the store and think “I could totally do that!” So you gather up your materials, sit down with a head full of ideas and a heart full of dreams (okay, well maybe that is a little over dramatic but you get the idea)...

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“Owl” Costume

Pin It Over the last two months or so I have fallen into a routine with the kids. The house is cleaned, dinner is made on time (usually), I have gotten to brush my hair/teeth and take a shower more often than not… Yep, I have been feeling pretty pulled together. So what do I...

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Emma’s costume – part 1 (owl hat)

Pin It For the past two years that I have had children I have failed miserably at a lot of special events. Halloween is one of them. It’s not for lack of wanting to but because we were in a constant state of upheaval for quite a while; a lot of things went on the...

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