Monthly Archives: October 2011

Trigger Words

Trigger words. I don’t know if all kids have them but J does and when he hears one the resulting melt down is epic. I don’t know if you have ever seen Serenity (if you haven’t then get thee to a DVD player right this instant because never having seen Serenity is just criminal) but...

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Sharing Issues

My kid’s a jerk. Wait, that’s not right. What I mean to say is my kid is a two-year-old jerk. No, that’s still not right… What I really mean to say is my kid is two (which automatically implies that he’s a jerk). I suppose I should elaborate. Jacob has a sharing problem. It’s bad....

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Pumpkin Painting, or A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Paint In The Mouth

The title is a reference to Rocky and Bullwinkle! Remember those?! For those too young to remember, Rocky and Bullwinkle you may go play now, the adults are talking. And when you go, ruminate on just how crappy cartoons are today in comparison. For those who are too old…well don’t you have some old people...

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Close The Door

I am going to just go ahead and put this out there. I love Scrubs (the show not the article of clothing, though I suppose I don’t have anything against the article of clothing either). Sure it’s been off the air for a while and yes, they didn’t let it end with respect but instead...

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