Monthly Archives: March 2013

Dyeing The Easter Eggs – Success!

For the first time since having kids egg dying has been a great success! Lots of fun, lots of laughing, minimal tears!

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Cardboard Pirate Ship – The Things That Childhood Are Made Of

  This is the box that my vacuum came in, I had grand plans for it as soon as I laid eyes on it! What could it be? A play house? A rocket blasting into outer space? Turns out it was a pirate ship! As a side note, this has been sitting in our entry way...

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Little Lady – My Good Sleeper (Knock On Wood) <3

Jake has always been our trouble child when it comes to sleep. He didn’t sleep through the night until he was 21 months old and then it didn’t really last. He is almost four and has been known (more often than not) to get out of bed at night 3-4 times for no reason at...

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Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles!

And did I mention BUBBLES!!!! Emma recently discovered bubbles thanks to her older brother. I’m going to be honest, I was trying to keep her from them because of Jake’s obsession with them when he was little (bad mom, I know, but you can only blow so many bubbles before you go crazy). The other...

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