Monthly Archives: November 2011

Hat Obsession

It’s a baby thing I think, that odd fascination those under 2.5 feet have with head gear. My baby is no exception.   I am sure that this is close to how Emma’s thought process goes when she spots hats… Dude… Dude! Is that…is that hat? I didn’t even think they made these anymore. **nom...

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Room Tours – Emma’s Room

Em’s room is finally finished. I think eventually I will want to get some new curtains in there (as her current ones are from our living room in the old house) and she still needs a bookshelf for her closet but as of right now I am calling it done. It’s now the only room...

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Thanksgiving Pictures

Every year we switch between his family and mine for Thanksgiving. This year it was my turn so we loaded up the car and headed down to Redland. It was a two hour trip and I have to admit I was dreading it. Emma get’s motion sick…need I say more? However, they both did wonderful!...

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9 months in/9 months out

A day late and a dollar short but Em turned 9 months old yesterday! She is getting so big, so fast! It seems like just yesterday that I was pregnant with her and she was kicking the bejebus out of me. And now look at her! She has been out in this world for the...

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