Category Archives: Activities

Rainbow Bath Paint

Our Dr. Seuss celebration is over and it’s time to move on to St. Patrick’s Day! Tonight we made rainbow bath paint! It has been really hard keeping the kids in the bath tub for any decent amount of time lately so this was just the thing! They didn’t want to get out! Emma adored...

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Dr. Seuss Rainbow Pinwheel Cookies

Let’s just get this out on the table right now – I can’t bake. I should probably elaborate. When I say that I can’t bake I don’t mean, “Oh those brownies are a little hard on the outside and too soft in the middle but still taste good”. Ha! I wish! Something happens when I...

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You know why I like Seuss so much? Well, there are many reasons actually, but at the top of this list is the fact that I can’t spell worth one iota. I mean blogging has helped a smidgen because of that obnoxious red line I’m always seeing (I GET IT LINE! I SPELLED THE WORD...

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Horton Hears A Who Clover Craft

I woke up this morning with grand plans! GRAND PLANS! We were going to dive into the magical world of Seuss, kicking butt and taking names. I opened my eyes to the sound of my son at our bedroom door (for the 5th time – once at 12 am, once at 1:30, once at 2:30,...

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