Category Archives: How To

Building A Rolling Fog Machine

Halloween is coming (as everyone is probably already aware of) and because I have never lived where there were any trick-or-treaters we were grossly under prepared last year. No decorations and one small bag of candy. We ended up turning the light off early and spent the night feeling horribly ashamed of ourselves. This year...

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Chocolate Play Dough

Pin It With Valentines Day right around the corner why not make the kiddos this delicious chocolate play dough!? Warning: After playing with this play dough you might find yourself wanting to gnaw on your hands because they smell like rich, chocolatey goodness. I advise against doing this. Chocolate Play Dough Recipe – 1 cup...

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How To Dye Pasta

Pin It Thing you will need: Rubbing Alcohol Pasta Food Coloring Ziplock Bag Sheet Pan Newspaper or Old Rags Directions: Place about a cup of pasta in a ziplock bag. Add 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol and 10-15 drops of food coloring. Zip up the bag and swish it around. Let it set on a...

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Reindeer Hat

Pin It Do you ever see something on the internet or in the store and think “I could totally do that!” So you gather up your materials, sit down with a head full of ideas and a heart full of dreams (okay, well maybe that is a little over dramatic but you get the idea)...

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