Category Archives: Elf On The Shelf

Elf On The Shelf – Past Ideas

It’s November 1st and the count down is on to get everything ready in time for the Christmas season! Only 27 more days! I have started thinking about Elf on the Shelf and what to do this year, I was hoping to keep it simple but everyone who knows me knows that that isn’t happening....

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Elf On The Shelf – Day 20

Our resident elf must miss building things in the workshop because this morning when we woke up he had built a bird house! It’s going to get cold here in the next few days and Moose thought that the birds would like a warm place to rest. Jake got to paint it and then we...

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Elf On The Shelf – Day 19

I didn’t get a picture of it but today when Jake woke up he found that Moose had crepe papered the living room! Crepe paper was criss-crossed everywhere! Last night Jonathan was finding excuses to go to the kitchen because he had to get through the obstacle course it created. I think he was pretending to be...

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Elf On The Shelf – Day 18

Sorry I missed yesterday! I was still so sick! I am feeling better now though, let’s home that lasts. So yesterday Moose decided that the tree needed some more whimsy so he added a couple of strands of multi-colored lights! White lights are nice but multi-colored screams childhood! Jake loved them! He thought they were...

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