Monthly Archives: August 2012

Morning Ray of Sunshine!

Both my kids are wonderful to wake up to (usually) but Emma is better able to put up the mommarazzi so early in the morning :p And here are some pictures from above in a storyboard format!

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18mo Well Child

Emma went for her 18 month check up today! She is 23lbs (25%) and 33.5″ tall (90%) so she is a tall skinny thing! Who would have thought I would have one of those :p Poor Jake went for his well child visit today too and is 37lbs (85%) and 38″ tall (43%) – short...

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Play-dates Are Our Favorite

Play-dates used to not go so well at our house. Jake would hide in his room when the kids first got there and then once he came out he would spend the rest of the time trying to liberate his toys from tiny hands. I am more than pleased to announce that he has done...

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End of Summer Fun in The Sandbox

I’ve been a bad momma and have let the grass grow up around the sandbox. I REALLY need to weedeat!    

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