Category Archives: Beef

Beef Stroganoff

The flavor of this recipe is very subtle relying heavily on the flavor of the steak, however, this is the epitome of comfort food. Warm and hearty it is perfect served with a crusty slice of buttered bread! ……………………………………………… Ingredients: 1 1/2 lbs beef sirloin steak Salt and  fresh cracked pepper 8 cups wide egg...

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Cottage Pie | TRITDH Recipe #2

This is part two of TRITDH recipe series. I know I have been slacking on the series. I have lots of recipes to post I have just been lazy about typing them all out. Cottage pie or Shepard’s pie, is a favorite of my husbands. I think he would eat it all day, every day...

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Steak Shish Kabobs

This is one of my mom’s recipes. If you knew my mom you would be groaning right now. Mom is one of those people who cook by sight, there are very few actual recipes that she follows. When I was a kid I would try to watch her cook so I could learn but I...

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Blue Cheese and Caramelized Onion Burgers

I am going to admit something to you so come in close. Closer. Still closer. DAMMIT THAT’S TOO CLOSE! Okay, ready? I’m a child! Ah, there. I said it. Now let me explain why I’m a child. As I was chasing downthe toddler and getting my hair pulled and eaten by the six-month-old (because apparently...

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