Monthly Archives: January 2012

So…I’m kind of proud

I admit, I might be slow to put things up but like things on the walls. I think it makes a home look finished and…oh, I don’t know…homey. We have been in the process of slowly turning J’s room into a ‘big boy’ room (sans twin bed, because I’m just not ready for that). So,...

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I’ve Come To The Conclusion…

I need a cell phone. Everyone else has one and that’s as good of a reason as any to get one, right? RIGHT!? Right. Plus, I think the photos apps are tons of fun! Here is Emma enjoying her morning cheerios and milk. I took it with Jonathan’s work phone. Shhh! Tell no one. ;P...

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This One’s For You, Mom!

This post is full of TMI. If you are not into that than just turn around and walk away now, this is NOT the post for you. ……… I can still remember one of many times when my mother was using the restroom and I would just barge in like it was no big deal...

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You’re So Fluffy!

“You’re so fuffy (fluffy)” is Jake’s highest form of compliment. He says it all the time in the most sweetest, sincere voice. It’s usually accompanied by a hug or a pat on the belly. I don’t know what he thinks it means and I have no idea where he picked it up. He just started...

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