Category Archives: Christmas

Elf On The Shelf – Charlie Brown Dinner (Day 8)

Moose ushered in the traditional watching of Charlie Brown Christmas again this year! This is one of my favorite things of the holiday! It’s just so silly and so much fun! I had hoped to come up with a few more ideas for themed food to eat during the movie but time got away from...

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Elf On The Shelf – Hot Chocolate (Day Is It Over Yet)

So last night I did the unthinkable, I made a tiny elf hot chocolate stand out of scrapbook paper, string, straws, and glue. I came across an idea on pintrest that gave me the idea for the hot chocolate stand and I mulled it over for a few weeks. Should I do it? Shouldn’t I...

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Elf On The Shelf – Socking Stuffing Practice (Day 5)

I…I mean Moose got lazy last night so I…I mean Moose stuffed a couple of water color books in a stocking and made a big effing deal about it this morning! “OH LOOK! Moose must have been wanting to practice stocking stuffing” The kids ate it up! FOOLS! Mwhahahahahahahahahaha! I mean…

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Elf On The Shelf – LIGHTS! (Day Four)

Yesterday day morning Moose was found cradling a strand of lights (don’t get too fresh there buddy boy). Beside him lay a note and a piss poor hand drawn map. The note said, “if you ever want to see your…” oops wrong note! Anyway, last night we went to Rhema and looked at the lights!...

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