Category Archives: Family

Halloween Photo Dump!

It’s only 11 days late! But better late than never, or so they say, I am not too sure that applies to everything… Anyway, we had two different days of fun filled Halloween tom-foolery! The first was a trip to Hallozooween with friends! It was our first time going to this particular event, it was...

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Decorating Pumpkins

We usually paint two pumpkins and carve one. This year we’ve only painted, hopefully we will get to the carving before it’s too late! Earlier while at Target Jake stumbled upon some Bad Piggy pumpkin decorating accessories and had to have them, and if Jake got something then by golly Emma needed too have it...

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Ice Cream, You Scream, We Sort of Eat Ice Cream!

Okay, I know some people are going to look at this post and think one of two things (or maybe both of these things). First, why is this lady taking so many pictures of one of her kids eating ice cream. Second, where is the other kid?! Does he not get ice cream. Let’s begin...

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It’s so fun to watch Jake draw with chalk. He is getting into a stage where he is so creative and has the capability to express what is in his imagination. Emma on the other hand is still in the stage where it’s more fun to draw a few lines on the ground, throw it...

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