Category Archives: Chicken

Chicken Rollatini Stuffed with Zucchini and Mozzarella

I know the picture isn’t the best but if you want to die and go to Heaven, and live happily ever after, and be a better person* then you MUST make and devour this recipe! I admit, I was skeptical. I thought it would be okay at best but would probably be a little bland....

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Chicken and Broccoli Mac and Cheese Casserole | TRITDH Recipe #1

Pin It I don’t know how it is at your house but with the economy making its way down the toilet and Christmas right around the corner we are pinching pennies over here (when we have the pennies to pinch that is). I am trying to cut back everywhere and this is especially true when...

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Not Your Momma’s Quesadillas

When I was a kid a quesadilla meant a tortilla with cheese on it, and we liked it! None of these fancy toppings like chicken and spinach. We also had to eat it while walking to school in the snow, up hill, both ways! Okay that last part is a lie but I do remember...

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Garlic Lemon Chicken Kabobs

Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a man. Let’s call him…Usband-hay. Usband-hay was a good man, a kind man, a smart man, but he was also a very clumsy man. Every time he sat down to have garlic lemon chicken kabobs it was inevitable that at least one chunk...

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