Category Archives: Project Inspired – Blog Circle

Project Inspired – Round

Welcome to another installment of the Project Inspired Blog Circle! In order to save sanity it looks like we have taken to posting these every other week. This week’s theme is round! There were so many things that I wanted to do for this post but I only got to do one of them –...

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Project Inspired – Movement

Hey everyone, it’s that time again! This weeks Project Inspired theme is movement. Lawdy, lawdy it was a difficult one! Not because I couldn’t think of things to photograph but because everything in heaven and earth was preventing me from getting any picture taken! In the end, this is what I ended up with –...

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Project Inspired – Happy

I am excited to be a part of my first blog circle! The way it works is every week a group of photographers will share their images exploring a different theme. This week’s theme is “Happy”. Happiness can be defined in many different ways and can be photographed in just as many. Here are just...

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