Category Archives: Letter B


I just found a whole folder of pictures that I haven’t edited, they are from last month so Jake still has his long hair (I miss his ringlets)! We are still doing our letter of the week (just slowly). For “B” week we went to the library and checked out books! Neither kid really knew...

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The Bicycle…

…or tricycle if you will is one of Boogers favorite activities to do with his sister. He rides up and down our street with his sister on the back of his little bike. She adores it, he adores it. It’s wonderful! And don’t think for a second that we didn’t add this love for BIKE into our...

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B week! Balloons!

We had a bit of sickness come through here the last week but we still managed to do our “B” week stuff! One of the first activities we did involved balloons. I blew up 24 of them and we bounced them around the room. Then we filled up his bed with them and made a...

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