It’s that time again! The second installment of the Songs of Life blog circle. This month the song was .
I was really excited about this month’s song choice because there were so many directions I could go! Jake and Em love to pretend to be so many things! I thought long and hard about this. Jake just turned four, Emma just turned two, they hopefully have their whole lives in front of them. They can be anything they want to be.
But no, not yet.
They do have their whole lives in front of them, but for now they are two and four and love princesses and fairies, trains and dirt. What do you want to be when you grow up? That’s all fine and good, dream big dreams but right now just be little. Just be mine. Come away with me to Neverland.
Now continue on over to Sharon Spall Photography and see her interpretation of “When You Grow Up”!