Monthly Archives: June 2013

Frozen Yogurt – Summer Bucket List

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Summer Bucket List – Splash Park

Last Saturday we went to the splash park. This is our favorite in town (granted we haven’t tried them all yet). It’s such a neat little park just off the river with natural looking water features and modern-esque climbing equipment! The kids love it! It was a perfect day too! Cloudy, cool and stormy. Perfect!

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Macro Monday – It’s A Small World After All

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Songs Of Life Blog Circle – When You Grow Up

It’s that time again! The second installment of the Songs of Life blog circle. This month the song was “When You Grow Up” by Priscilla Ahn. I was really excited about this month’s song choice because there were so many directions I could go! Jake and Em love to pretend to be so many things!...

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