Monthly Archives: May 2013

Stand Back I’m Going To Try Science! – Summer Bucket List

I want summer to be a time of fun but that doesn’t mean that we can’t learn things along the way. J is such a little box of questions (What is that? How does this work? Why? Why? Why? Why? WHY? WHY??!), and while it can get annoying, it is also something that I want...

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Family BBQ – Memorial Day – Summer Bucket List

Memorial Day – the first holiday of the summer season. A day to come together and show respect for those who lost their lives in the service of their country. The day involved drinking milk out out of Grammy’s special cup, cuddles and play time with papa, playing with a found turtle, lots of kisses...

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A Trip Down Memory Lane

Jonathan has always been excited about passing down his childhood joys to his kids. When we first found out that Jake was a boy all the visions of legos, micromachines, and Star Wars danced in his head (though, I wouldn’t be entirely truthful if I said that they didn’t do the same thing when he...

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Rare Moments Getting Less Rare!

It used to be rare that my kids could play for any length of time together without trying to kill one another! Those moments are happening more often though! They can actually stand being in the same room with each other, they are sharing more and laughing more and (now I am going to say this real quietly as to not...

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