Monthly Archives: February 2013


You know why I like Seuss so much? Well, there are many reasons actually, but at the top of this list is the fact that I can’t spell worth one iota. I mean blogging has helped a smidgen because of that obnoxious red line I’m always seeing (I GET IT LINE! I SPELLED THE WORD...

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A Three Year Old Says What?

I thought I would start documenting some of the crazy stuff that comes out of my three year old’s mouth. ——————————– Jake: Mommy, my Sodor track broke. Me: Did you break it? Jake: Haha, no. Maybe it was my pillow. Or maybe it was my testicles. I told them to stay in my pants so...

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Pressed Picnic Sandwiches

This is the sandwich I served at Emma’s birthday party. My husband and I LOVE this sandwich but there are many strong flavors going on here so I didn’t expect it to go over as well as it did! It’s an amazingly simple thing to put together for something that is so rich and delectable! ...

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Horton Hears A Who Clover Craft

I woke up this morning with grand plans! GRAND PLANS! We were going to dive into the magical world of Seuss, kicking butt and taking names. I opened my eyes to the sound of my son at our bedroom door (for the 5th time – once at 12 am, once at 1:30, once at 2:30,...

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