Monthly Archives: July 2012

This Is My Life Right Now…

…and I have a feeling it isn’t going to get better any time soon (if ever, haha).

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Big Boy Boxers!

Jake has been potty trained for about 6 months now. During this time he has gone commando. No matter what I’d say or do I couldn’t get this kid to wear underwear. Hell, I could barely get him to wear pants. I thought I would try a new tactic. This weekend we went to the store...

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Living Room Decor

We moved into this house about a year and a half ago and ever since it’s been a slow and steady process to get things decorated. Coming from a very small house to this house meant that we had hardly any furniture and decor was sparse. We, like most people, are on a tight budget...

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I just found a whole folder of pictures that I haven’t edited, they are from last month so Jake still has his long hair (I miss his ringlets)! We are still doing our letter of the week (just slowly). For “B” week we went to the library and checked out books! Neither kid really knew...

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