Monthly Archives: April 2012

Lady Bug

I’m not going to lie, I have been slacking on the blog lately. I have tons of pictures to upload but I am too lazy to do it. I’m sure my mom is giving me an annoyed look right now as she reads this. Sorry mom! I am going to try to be better. I...

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And Just In Case You Thought I Was Joking…

…here he is this morning watching one of this favorite things, Thomas in Japanese.

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Odd duck!

My 2 year old uses words like astounding, delicious, and amazing on an everyday basis. He likes listening to Thomas movies on youtube in Japanese. Today, he found a youtube documentary on potato chips. He sat there quietly watching for about 10 minutes, completely and utterly absorbed in it. P.S. he is rubbing his eye,...

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Vincent van Gogh…

…you know, with out all the weird ear stuff. Jake loves painting. More specifically he loves painting trains. And to be even more specific he likes me to paint trains and he likes to add the wheels, track, and sky. And I couldn’t decide if I liked color or black and white better… And as...

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