Monthly Archives: September 2011

Guess what? I’m two!

I have OCD issues. For example I am a clean freak. Things have to be clean and in their place. Always! Now, I have eased up on this since becoming a mom but my house is always pretty damn clean. I also have a thing where I need to wash my hands. A lot. I...

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I don’ wike it

In this post you will see pictures of Jake eating oatmeal. (Or oh-moe, as he likes to call it) Jake likes oatmeal. He also likes cheese, green beans, peanut butter and jelly, black beans, graham crackers, apple sauce, oranges, and ketchup. And that’s about it. But this post isn’t about what he likes, this is...

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Naps. Why do they have to be so fricking elusive? Why can’t either of my kids be one of those children who just falls asleep anywhere? I see other mothers posting pictures of their tots asleep in toy boxes and jumparoos or contorted in amusing but uncomfortable positions. Hell, there is a whole blog dedicated...

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Affordable, EASY Scrap Art

Fall time = craft time! There is just something incredibly wonderful about hunkering down with a large cup of coffee and getting my craft on. I have been meaning to replace one of the art pieces in Emma’s wall collage for a while so that’s what I am going to kick off my fall crafting...

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