One of my goals for the new year was to devote more time to my creative outlets. This was suppose to include blogging and subsequently I want to write more in my blog (oh no, she wants to write, GOD help us!) instead of just taking pictures.
A week into the new year and so far I have only thrown up a Macro Monday post. I guess I need to give credit where credit is due, though. I mean, at least I actually took macro photos! PROGRESS!
I have some ideas stewing for how to allow me to continue having crafty time while I am buried up to my neck in school (which starts in a week – ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *breathes* hhhhhhhhhhhhhh).
I know that between school, kids, work, and life all the fun things like reading (I really MUST finish The Wheel of Time), crafting, blogging, photography, and video gaming (I will finish Zelda this time!), will get lost! I have a week to get my stuff together and get as organized and balanced as possible!
To go along with simplifying/organizing life I am in deep purging mode right now. If I don’t throw out a black trash bag of stuff every other day or so I get twitchy. 7 days into the new year and I have cleaned and organized 2 junk drawers, the master closet, and the garage. I AM UNSTOPPABLE (looks around nervously to see if Karma/fate/God heard that – knocks on wood)!!!!
Anyway, hopefully by putting it out on the blog that I will actually blog more this year will make me more accountable and so I will actually do it. I doubt it but one can dream, right!?
And since a wall of text is boring and it might have been a TLDR scenario (To Long – Didn’t Read, mom ;p). Here are some pictures of my youngest from the snow that we just had this weekend!
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